Islamic baby aqiqah announcement invitation girl | | Birth announcement girl, Baby girl announcement, Birth announcement designThe Manners of Welcoming the New Child in Islâm Children are a source of delight and an ornament in the world granted by Allâh to their parents, give vigor to hearts, joy to souls, pleasure in the eyes. They are the fruit of whom good must be expected. Especially when they often plead", Our Lord! Admit your Mercy as they made me come up when I was little. "They are the ones who are in every nation upon which the hope of the future lies, they are the young men of tomorrow on whose shoulders the call will take to Islaam, Allah willing. In fact, Islaam has raised the state of children and has established manners for their treatment and upbringing, related to each stage that will pass in this world. Of these are the ways to welcome you on your arrival in this life. Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was a living example, educating and cultivating Muslims about the practices of Islaam, teaching them how to worship their Lord in the best possible ways. Sadly, several Muslims have moved away from their pure teachings and replaced what is gold for what is not worthwhile. Let us not be of them, let us implement the manners that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught us about our newborns. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Mary to love and fertile, because through you I will compete with the nations for superiority in numbers." (Aboo Daawood)And it is important that the parents bring their children to justice, so that the parents will benefit from them during their lives, as well as after their death. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "A servant shall have his rank lifted up and say, 'O my Lord, how has this happened to me?' He will say, "Through your children after their search for forgiveness for you." (Ibn Maajah)Knowing that what has preceded applies equally to children; in fact, Islaam has encouraged the upbringing of girls and Allâh condemns those who are afflicted in the news of the birth of a girl. The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) illuminates the state of this gift of Allaah (the Almighty), "He who takes care of two girls until they reach adulthood - he and I will meet on the Day of Resurrection (like this) - and he intertwined his two fingers." This means they'll be together on Paradise. Can there be a greater honor for having daughters?! Give the Good News of BirthNearly relatives who are eagerly waiting must be informed so they can stop worrying and congratulate parents and beg for the baby. Allâh mentions this good news being transmitted to several of His Prophets, of them Zakariyyaa of his son Yahya, {Then the angels called him, while he stood in prayer in a private room (speaking), 'Allâh gives you good news of Yahya'}Given the Adhaan (Call to prayer) in the ear of the newborns. The first practice is to make adhaah in the baby's ear, so that the first words the baby hears is the name of Allah (Powerful and Glorious), and the Shahaadah. It should be given directly after birth, or very soon after when he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did it with his grandson al-Husayn, as it is related to Abu Raafi' that said, "I saw the Prophet give the Adhâh for prayer in the ear of al-Husayn ibn Alî when his mother Fâtimah gave birth." (at-Tirmidhî)It should be given with a baby so much alarm Only the Adhân must be given, not the Iqâamah, since there is no authentic evidence to support this. Giving Adhaan is also only the reported practice of Khalîfah (Caliph) 'Umar bin 'Abdul Azeez. This is closer to the Sunna (the way of the Noble Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). As to what ear should be given in, the sunnah has not specified. However, the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to love to do good deeds from the right, so it would be more appropriate to give the Adhaan in the right ear. The Tahneek'Tahneek' means smoothing a date and then rubbing the palate of the newborn with it right after birth or shortly after. This is done by placing a piece of the smooth date on the finger and rub it from left to right in the baby's mouth. Ibn Hajr said: "If one cannot find a dry date, then a fresh date must be used, and if that is not available then something sweet." (Fath 9/588) "If one cannot find a dry date, then a fresh date must be used, and if that is not available then something sweet." (Fath 9/588)It is not essential to chew the date instead of being softened in any hygienic way. The action of chewing, as reported in the Sunnaah, was what the Messenger did (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Tahneek must be made by the father or mother of the child or any person of the People of Knowledge whose supplication is expected to be accepted, as was the practice of the Companions. Imaam an-Nawawî says: "The students unanimously agree on the desirability of performing Tahneek in the baby after birth." (Sharh Sahî h Muslim 4/122) "The students unanimously agree on the desirability of performing Tahneek in the baby after his birth." (Sharh Sahî h Muslim 4/122)Aaishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) reports, "Newborn children used to be brought to the Messenger of Allâh and begged for blessings; (I would also) rub a chewed date on his palate." (Saheeh Muslim) "Newborn children used to be brought to the Messenger of Allâh and he begged blessings for them; (also he would) rub a chewed date on his palate." (Saheeh Muslim)Name the child The baby can be appointed on the day of his birth or later on the seventh day or the seventh day. This is what is clear from the study of all the evidence in the Sunnah. It's the father or mother who chooses the baby's name. If they differ between themselves, then the father has the option, he can name the baby himself or give his wife the right to choose. The fact that this is the right of the father is shown by the principle that the child is attributed and attributed to the father, like Allâh (the Mighty and Glorious) says, {Call them ( adoptive children) by (the names of) their parents, which is more just in Allâh's sight} Parents who allow others to name their child, as our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to name some of the children of his Companions. The name must bear a good and worthy meaning of praise as the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "On the Day of Resurrection, they will be called by their names and their names of fathers, so do their names well." (Aboo Daawood)It is recommended to be called Allâh's servant ('Abdullâh) or servant of any of Allâh's names (Power and Glories). Then it is recommended to name a child after a Prophet, because of the hade, "Call for the names of the Prophets." (Aboo Daawood)And the Hadeeth: "A son was born to me tonight and I called him after my father Ibraahîm." (Saheeh Muslim) Then, after this, it is recommended to name the child after any godly person in the hope that he/she will become. The following option is to name the child by any name that has good meaning. It is forbidden to name a child with a name that denotes servitude to another one that Allâh (the Mighty and Glorious), for example 'Abd al-Nabi (the slave of the Prophet), 'Abd ar-Rasool (the slave of the Messenger) etc., as it is forbidden to name them with names that are particular to unbelievers like George, Michael, Susan, etc. The names of tyrants and evil personalities should be avoided as Fir'awn, Qaarûn, Abu Lahab, etc. He also does not like to name the child with the names of the Qur'aan Surahs as 'Taa Haa' or 'Yaa Sîn' as reported by Imaam Maalik and others. There is no true Hadeeth who attributes to the two above as names of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The 'AqîqahAfter the seventh day of the arrival of the newborn, as a form of welcome for the babu and as a way of giving thanks to the one who gave you this great blessing, is prescribed to slaughter a sheep. The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Every child is in the promise that he is 'Aqîqah who is sacrificed for her on her seventh day; he is appointed in him, and his head is shaved." (Aboo Daawûd)If the newborn is a child, then two sheep will be sacrificed, and if he is a child then a sheep. This is the position of most Companions and Fellows. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "For the child two equal sheep, and for the child, one sheep." (Ibn Mâjah) So it is allowed to sacrifice the male or female sheep or goats, and this is better. As for sacrificing other animals, then there is a difference of opinion about it. The sacrifice must be made by the father or a close relative, for our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made the 'Aqîqah for both grandchildren. It is also obligatory to mention the name of Allâh upon him while sacrificing, and if a close relative is making the 'Aqîqah' then he must add, 'This 'Aqîqah is the 'Aqîqah of this and so,' by mentioning the name of the person in whose name is performing the 'Aqîqah, as it is said in the hadîth related to al-Bayhaqîqîqîqî. The meat of sacrifice can be distributed cooked or not, but it is preferred to be cooked as this leads to a greater blessing, as mentioned by a group of scholars. Shaving the Baby's Head The seventh day after birth, the baby's head must be shaved. When Al-Hasan was born the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told his daughter, Faatimah (may Allaah be pleased with her), "Shave her head and give the weight of her hair in silver to the poor." (Musnad Imaam Ahmad)The right side of the head must be shaved first, then the left as mentioned in the Hadiz, "Shave the right side. The strongest view seems to be that the girl's head should also be shaved, as it has been reported that Faatimah weighed the hair of her daughter, as mentioned in the Muwatta of Imaam Maalik, although scholars differ about this, and Allâh knows better. The shave should be made after the sacrifice, and our pious predecessors liked to rub a little perfume on the baby's head after the shave. This should be done with caution, as the baby can react to many of the perfumes used now a day. One must consult some acquaintances with this. After this, it is prescribed to give the weight of the baby of the hair in silver in charity. It is recommended to give this charity on the seventh day, although it is not necessary to do so, since charity can be delayed. Circumcision The child is prescribed to be circumcised; it is recommended that circumcision take place on the seventh day. It is compulsory to circumcise before the child reaches puberty. Sleep riots in childrenThe dream is a mercy of the Lord of the World. Allah (Powerful and Glorious) says (interpretation from meaning), {And We have made the night as a covering} (an-Naba' [78]:10) (i.e., as a covering for you. Therefore, scholars agreed that sleeping at night is very important for physical health.) A baby usually sleeps about 22 hours a day, but wakes up from time to time because he is hungry, sick or thirsty, or for some other need. Sleep hours are reduced until the child sleeps for 10 hours when he is six, and eight hours when he or she arrives at his or her teens. The child has to sleep during this number of hours to grow healthy and free of nervous tension. Errors made with respect to this:1. The child's sleep delay causes nervous tension, especially when he has to wake up for school and has not had enough sleep. This may lead to the fact that it cannot concentrate on classicism or even fall asleep in class.2. Some families have a strict bed time that never changes for any reason. The child has to sleep at eight, no matter what circumstances. This is a mistake because if the child is having fun playing, then he is forced to go to sleep, this is a kind of abuse and a lack of respect for his personality. If the child is going to sleep tense, this will be reflected in his sleep, and he will have nightmares and will not relax in his sleep.3. Some parents wake up their child to play with him or because they have bought a new toy for him, especially when the father has been at work all day and this is the only chance he has. This is a mistake, because you are interrupting your child's dream and it will be difficult for him to relax and sleep again.4. Some parents use fear tactics to make their children sleep. This is the worst mistake parents can make.5. Some mothers tell their children terrifying stories that can scare them. This has negative effects on the child's dream, in the form of nightmares that disturb his sleep.6. Some families encourage their children to drink liquids such as juice or water, etc., especially before bed. This leads to bed, something most families complain about.7. Close the door in a child in a very dark room when he goes to sleep cultivates a fear of darkness in the child. It also makes it restless and unable to sleep well.8. Some parents don't get used to sleeping alone from an early age. Some families allow the child to sleep with the parents or the mother until the age of six. This is a serious mistake, because it makes the child grow dependent on others and restless. Therefore, parents are advised to harass their children to sleep alone from an early age and from the first year. This way they will get used to sleeping alone and this will be healthy for the parent's relationship with the other. Finally, we note that many of the problems children suffer, such as apogee, fear of darkness, the cry of sleep ("nightly witnesses"), the dream at school, the failure to concentrate or not go to school at all... are all caused by disturbed sleep and the restlessness. Therefore, we advise parents to work at the above points. More articles in Pregnancy and Newborn:Latest Marriage needs intent and attention, much of it clear... From the moment you hold your baby in your arms, You... I wanted to share some of the tools and techniques they have... Random Quote"Aleah indefinite has worshipers who have been silenced by fear of Him even though they are eloquent in speech."- 'Abdullah ibn 'AbbaasVisitors recently followed in helping Muslims in NeedDISCLAIMER: All the material found in is for informational purposes only. 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